Heptacorde Model (Len Verrett) - please see the following web page link for an essay regarding this guitar:

1840 Lacote (Jimmy Westbrook):

1841 Lacote (Jimmy Westbrook) - note the original flush fingerboard still present in 1841:

Guitar by François René Lacote, Paris 1841.

Photos by: Sinier de Ridder

Body of maple, back flamed maple venered maple, top of spruce, neck and head of plain maple, original machines, new knobs, total length: 94 cm, body length: 44.3 cm, string length: 63 cm, body width; top:23.6 cm, down: 30.8 cm, length ribs; neck; 48mm, down: 84mm, fingerboard width: 48 mm, 12th case: 59 mm.

Lacote, 1846

Photos by Musurgia - New York String Service, which had this instrument and several other high-end classicals and romantic guitars.

Guitar by François René Lacote, Paris 1829.

Photo by: Sinier de Ridder, auction from Interencheres in Vichy.

FFSI 1836 Lacote:

"Lacote" + "Brugère... Mirecourt" ca. 1850 Musical Instrument Collection of C.V.F., Canada

"Lacote ... A Paris, Année 1830." Musical Instrument Collection of C.V.F., Canada

Below: Lacôte photo from Crane web site, unknown source, Gary Southwell copy, Wolfgang Emmerich copy:

Crane Luthier: Lacote 1839

Example of Lacote locking wingnut tuners:


Lacote - Jerry Willard collection

Lacote 7-string The 1820 7-string shown left is from the Musee de la Musique - another example of the Coste-style 7-string guitar with the normal 6 strings plus an added drop D in the bass.

See the Multi-Bass Page for other examples of Lacotes with 7 and 10-strings.

Lacote 1823 (photo courtesy Sinier de Ridder):
Lacote 1823
Lacote 1823 (photo courtesy Bernhard Kresse):
Lacote 1823 - Kresse

Copies of Lacote by Bernhard Kresse
Kresse Copy of Lacôte Kresse Copy of Lacôte

Lacote 1824, 1833, 1852 - Musee de la Musique

Brune Lacote et Cie 1862
Lacote et Cie 1862 - RE Brune

3 Lacotes
From the collection of Carol van Feggelen.

Lacote 1839 from Brian Cohen, Soundpost. This guitar is in excellent original condition; the headstock shows the tuners which are enclosed and gears are on the underside, an improvement over today's designs because it conceals the ugly gear mechanism and protects the parts:

Cohen Lacote 1839 HeadstockCohen Lacote 1839 Headstock BackCohen Lacote 1839 FrontCohen Lacote 1839 BackCohen Lacote 1839 Label

Lacote 1830, double-top from The Guitar Workshop, Belgium. This guitar is a showcase for several Lacote innovations. It shows the triangular bridge of some Lacotes, the headstock enscribed "Lacote a Paris", and the hole in the back with the double top. It features mechanical pegs with a gear assembly. Unfortunately the original owner damaged the instrument by using steel strings. The workmanship of the original is spectactular, though considerable restoration is required:

Lacote 1830 Rosette Lacote 1830 Headstock Lacote 1830 Front Lacote 1830 Back Lacote 1830 Bridge Lacote 1830 Headstock Side Lacote 1830 Peg Lacote 1830 Headstock Underside

Below is an example of an 1830's Lacote with the triangular bridge (photo courtesy Sinier de Ridder):
Lacote 1830's

1839 Exposition Medal cited on the label, but probably made a few years later:

1841 Lacote, beautiful Brazilian Rosewood back, sides, and neck:

Lacote 1834, (photo courtesy Sinier de Ridder), with the special Lacote head and tuners, Brazilian Rosewood back:

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